NEXOCM and its partners flocked together in a multimedia solutions conference, which took place in Düsseldorf, Germany on 21st September, jointly exploring opportunities in prospering digital signage market.
In the conference, NEXCOM updated its outstanding growth, shared market perspectives, and thoroughly discussed challenges and opportunities lying ahead in digital signage market. In addition, Intel Corporation also shared its technology roadmap for digital signage market.
Undoubtedly, new technology developments will be driving forces pushing digital signage market for prosperity. As interaction, location base, and mobility are increasing integrated in the digital signage, NEXCOM unveiled its latest innovation to ride the market wave. Products showed in the conference included high-performance player NDiS 166, cost-effective players, and multi-display player NDiS 542.
Not only did NEXCOM's digital signage players shine in the conference, NEXCOM partners- RDM, 2DB, Aitek, Microdis, and fabbricadigitale-also shared their interesting application cases in medical, cinema, retail, museum, and military fields.
The rising demands on innovative and extensive applications indicate the promising future in digital signage market. Allying with NEXCOM, partners will be fully supported with leading technologies to meet various project requirements. In the conference, positive feedback received from our partners just provided the most solid proof.